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2023-09-12 23:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

through 英[θru:] 美[θru]




The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse. 雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入,剧院的观众被疏散了。

Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign. 从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。

Visitors enter through a side entrance. 游客从侧门进入。

The main path continues through a tunnel of trees. 主路继续延伸,穿过了树枝遮顶的林阴道。


She opened the door and stood back to allow the man to pass through. 她打开门,退后一步让那名男子进去。

2、作介词,意思是把某物切成两块或在其中挖一个洞,(切) 开; (钻) 透。

Use a proper fish knife and fork if possible as they are designed to cut through the flesh but not the bones. 如果可能的话,选用正规的吃鱼刀叉,因为它们是专门设计来切开鱼肉而又不会切断鱼骨的。

Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal. 兔子还是找到办法进去了。我敢断定,有些兔子甚至已经用上了咬断金属的办法。


Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through. 先轻轻地划一下,然后反复划,一次比一次划得深些,直到木板被完全割开。


Go up to Ramsgate, cross into France, go through Andorra and into Spain. 北行至拉姆斯盖特,然后横跨法国,穿过安多拉,进入西班牙。

The couple set off in August from Morocco, drove through the Sahara, visited Nigeria and were heading for Zimbabwe. 那对夫妇8月从摩洛哥出发,驱车穿过撒哈拉大沙漠,游览了尼日利亚,正向津巴布韦进发。


Few know that the tribe was just passing through. 几乎没人知道这个部落只是路过。


We made our way through the crowd to the river. 我们穿过人群来到河边。

Sybil's fingers ran through the water. 西比尔的手指在水中划来划去。

Nancy kept running, plunging through the sand. 南希一直跑啊跑,穿过沙地。

He hurried through the rain, to the patrol car. 他冒着雨急匆匆地跑到巡逻车前。


He pushed his way through to the edge of the crowd where he waited. 他一直挤到人群的边缘,然后就在那儿等着。


Allow twenty-five minutes to get through Passport Control and Customs. 留出25分钟通过护照检查处和海关。

He was one of the last of the crowd to pass through the barrier. 他是那群人里最后一批跨越障碍的。

Traders generally travel safely through the border. 商人通常可以安全通过边界。


He was killed at a road junction by a van driver who went through a red light. 他在交叉路口被一辆闯红灯的小货车撞死了。

We drove through red traffic lights, the horn blaring. 我们鸣着喇叭,闯过红灯。

7、作介词,指穿过 (物体内部)

The ends of the net pass through a wooden bar at each end. 这张网的两端各穿着一根木棒。

Zita was herself unconventional, keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe. 齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。


I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through. 我钻了一个孔,这样门闩就能穿过去。


Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass. 艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃若有所思地凝视着。

They could hear music pulsing through the walls of the house. 透过墙壁,他们能听到有节奏的音乐声。

I am sure I can feel a vibration through the soles of my feet. 我敢肯定我能感到脚底下有震动。

9、作介词,意思是“贯穿; 遍布”

An atmosphere of anticipation vibrated through the crowd. 人群中充满着期盼的气氛。

The melody that ran through his brain was composed of bad notes. 回荡在他脑海里的旋律都走调了。

What was going through his mind when he spoke those amazing words? 他说出那些令人诧异的话时,心里都在想些什么?

A mood of optimism swept through the company and its customers. 公司上下及其顾客都洋溢着一股乐观情绪。


We're playing in New Zealand, Australia and Japan through November. 整个11月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。

Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year. “传奇”旅行社为老年人提供全年的国内外旅游服务。

She kept quiet all through breakfast. 吃早饭的时候,她从头到尾一言不发。


We've got a tough programme, hard work right through to the summer. 我们有一个难啃的项目,需要一直奋战到夏天.

He worked right through. 他参与了整个过程.


Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women. 男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。

Why was I putting myself through all this misery? 我为什么要如此自找苦吃啊?

Through it all, Mark was outwardly calm. 经历了这一切之后,马克表面上显得很平静。


I'm through with the explaining. 我解释完了。

Training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through. 她接受的婚姻指导师培训能保证她学业一结束就找到工作。

They were through. They wanted out. Forever. 他们受够了,他们想要解脱,永远的解脱。


Get through   

① 通过;度过 

He got through his examinations. 

② 做完;吃完;饮完 

We managed to get through the work in four hours. 

We got a lot of whisky at the party. 

③ 打通电话 (vi) 

I couldn’t get through to my mother last night. 

Go through 

① 经历 (痛苦困难) 

You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time. 

② 翻阅;检查查看 

We shall go through the book together. We must go through the accounts. 

③ 通过,成交,被批准 (vi) 

If this deal doesn’t go through, we’re ruined. The plan did not go through. 

See through 

① 看穿;看透 

We saw through the trick. 

② 帮助渡过 (see...through) 

It’ll be hard for you, but we’ll see you through. 

Live through 经历(而活过来) 

He has lived through two wars and three revolutions. 

Look / glance through 匆匆看一遍;检查 

I will look through the notes and see if they are worth reprinting. 

Fall through 失败 

Through lack of funds the scheme fell through. 

All through 

① 在整整(这段时间)中; 在整个范围内 

They slept all through the day. 

There was silence all through the little house. 

② 一直地 

we hoped all through that you would come back. 

Through thick and thin 同甘共苦;无论是在患难或安乐中 

They stuck together through thick and thin. 

Be wet through 湿透   

Your clothes were are wet through with the rain. 

Pull through 使痊愈,脱险 

We though that she was going to die but penicillin pulled her through. 

Break through 突围出来(breakthrough  n.) 

The soldiers were surrounded by the enemy but managed to break through. 




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